And for what I’m going to write below, I would like to say this, I’m not whining… Really… Just want to share…Bismillah
1. Pesanan baginda Rasulullah…
“Pelihara titah perintah Allah nescaya ia akan memelihara engkau (sepanjang masa), peliharalah larangan Allah nescaya engkau dapati ia selalu di hadapanmu. Apabila kamu meminta, hendaklah kamu meminta kepada Allah dan apabila kamu engkau memohon hendaklah engkau memohon petolongan dari Allah. Ketahuilah, seandainya umat manusia sepakat untuk memberi sesuatu manfaat untukmu, mereka tidak dapat memberinya melainkan mengikut apa yang telah Allah tetapkan untukmu dan sekiranya mereka sepakat untuk menimpakan engkau dengan sesuatu keburukan tidaklah mereka dapat melakukannya melainkan dengaan sesuatu yang Allah Taala telah tentukan ke atas dirimu, kerana telah terangkat pena dan telah kering kertas (telah ditentukan kesemuanya).”
Amazing ain’t it?
2. Relax
One of the things that I learned from PUISI… Hehe dah lama lepas, baru nak kongsi… If memory serves, Ustazah Norliza said that we shouldn’t let our differences to divide us, let alone to fight among ourselves… Instead, we should all be ‘berlapang dada’…
I’ve been surfing the net for things like wahabi, salafi and whatever… And honestly, I am shocked… From blogs that I went to, the division among Malaysian muslims… Hmm… It’s saddening…
I never said that it’s bad to debate on something, but most of the times the language used by these people… It’s an embarrassment… Labelling a man as kafir, while accusing the other as ’sesat’… And doing so without any solid proof… Just based purely on sentiment…
When ulama’ fight among themselves, to whom should people like me turn for guidance?
3. Fight
We fight not to win… We fight so that later we don’t have to give excuses… We fight not with weapons… But with idea… Because idea is bullet-proof… Idea
4. Nationalism
5. Spring
I like spring… The flowers, the greenery… They are beautiful and tranquilizing in a way… The smell given out by the flowers… It’s just indescribable… And the weather, it is not so cold anymore… And people, they all seem to be in a good mood…
6. Me
Me… I’m optimistic right now… Not that life has been easy… It’s still the hardest… In fact, everyone is optimistic right now…
Well, firstly, obviously because it’s spring… (Of course it is not in Malaysia)Secondly, I don’t think that worrying would do it for me… Neither do ‘mengeluh’…
This week was, is and is going to be very very very very very hectic… It’s like the busiest week of my whole life… And I’m thankful that it’s not that bad altogether… At least not yet… (:
P/S : Haha… Honestly I don’t know why is it that in this post I somehow crapped a bit… Maybe due to the effects of excessive exposure to books and lack of exercise… Oh, may be it’s the apple juice?